SURVEY: Cholos Agree Jared Leto Is Now Officially The Real “Joker” Latino Humor Movies April 26, 2015
10 Common Misconceptions Mexicans Have If You’re A Latino U.S. Soccer Fan Soccer/Futbol April 14, 2015
This Couple’s Pregnancy Announcement Using Microsoft’s Age Guess Tool Is Genius Latino Humor Comedy May 13, 2015
Mad Men Tries Really Hard To Reach Latino Audiences Latino Humor Advertising April 20, 2015If you watched last night’s (really depressing) episode of Mad Men, you’ll have noticed one thing: One week later… the...
BREAKING: Navy Seals Who Threw Osama bin Laden’s Body Into Sea Were Latino, Prayed to Allah Latino Humor News March 2, 2015Washington, DC – A reliable source within the intelligence community has released highly sensitive information regarding the burial of Osama...