You’re Going To Have The Worst Experience With AirBNB in Cuba

You’re going to have the worst time when you rent a house or apartment in Cuba on AirBNB. The popular online lodging marketplace just announced this week that it has launched more than 1,000 listings in “communist” Cuba. Here’s why it’s going to be a bad experience for everyone…

I mean, check out these views. The worst.

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Seriously…not blue enough.

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 Looks like a toxic wasteland…

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Just look at these communist pools…

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And these communist beds…

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(Actually, this one’s pretty bad.)

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With this one, you get some world-class art. Bill Clinton would be proud.

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Totally unfriendly place, who poses for pictures in their AirBNB listing anyways?

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Totally unwelcoming…

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These living rooms just look so bougie.

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WAY too modern for communism.

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Hello sunburn. Goodbye happiness.

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Good luck.